What is a Pennkey? https://pennkeysupport.upenn.edu/about
To change a Pennkey password https://weblogin.pennkey.upenn.edu/changeexpiredpassword
Register a Pennkey https://challengeresponse.apps.upenn.edu/challengeResponse/jsp/fast.do?fastStart=registerMyPennkey
Test a Pennkey password https://challengeresponse.apps.upenn.edu/challengeResponse/jsp/fast.do?fastStart=pennkeyTester
PennKey Password Complexity Requirements
Your PennKey password must meet minimum complexity and character length requirements as follows:
PennKey Recovery Service
As of November 15th, 2022, the PennKey Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) process has replaced the Pennkey Challenge Response process.
- Enroll your PennKey into the SSPR service
- Before using SSPR, you must enroll and register your preferred personal contact information – a (non-Penn) email address and cell phone number (both are required to use SSPR).
- To Enroll in SSPR: https://accounts.pennkey.upenn.edu/pwm/private/updateprofile
- Before using SSPR, you must enroll and register your preferred personal contact information – a (non-Penn) email address and cell phone number (both are required to use SSPR).