Perceptive Content ImageNow Print to Batch Instructions
1. Ensure that the Perceptive Content client is open, and you are logged in.
2. Open the document you need to print into Perceptive Content.
3. In this example, we are printing a PDF file from Adobe Acrobat to Perceptive Content. Choose File then Print to open the print dialog box seen below.
4. In the printer dropdown menu, choose ImageNow Printer then click the Print button.
5. In this dropdown menu, choose ImageNow Printer – Batch Mode and click the OK button. This will print the document into the “All Batches” batch section of Perceptive Content.
6. In the Perceptive Content application, click on the Batches button to see the documents you have printed to ImageNow:
7. The Perceptive Content batch view window will open, showing you the documents you just printed into the system. If you do not see the document immediately, click on the green “refresh” icon.
8. If you double click on the document, you can open and it and choose an application plan on the right, if necessary: